Sugary drinks put your health at risk.
We won’t sugarcoat it: sugary drinks like energy drinks, pop and fruit drinks have been linked to heart disease and other chronic illnesses. But with a few substitutions, Michigan families can dump the sugar and improve their health.

The bitter truth about sugary drinks
Research has linked the consumption of sugary drinks to these health issues:
- Hypertension
- Heart disease
- Type 2 diabetes
- Weight gain
Kicking the sugary drink habit will help you and your family maintain a healthy weight and decrease your odds of developing chronic illness.
Heart-healthy thirst quenchers
Water and white low-fat milk are the healthiest replacements for sugary drinks. Get a refillable water bottle to carry with you so you always have a drink on hand.
To keep things interesting, here are some tasty variations on plain water:
- Sparkling water
- Juice + sparkling water (100% fruit juice has a lot of natural sugar – dilute with sparkling water to make your own fruity pop substitute!)
- Water infused with fruit

Surprising facts about sugary drinks
Did you know…
- A 20-oz. bottle of pop contains about 16 packets of sugar
- The average American consumes 34 pounds of sugar a year from sugary drinks alone
- Coffee drinks can contain 15 packets of sugary or more
- The American Academy of Pediatrics does not recommend sports drinks for children unless they are exercising vigorously for more than an hour, or exercising in extreme heat
Teaming up for a healthier Michigan
In Michigan, the American Heart Association has teamed up with the Delta Dental Foundation to help you “Rethink Your Drink.” Working together, we hope to help all Michiganders make healthier choices for themselves and their families.