Iowa Mission: Lifeline STEMI
Unfortunately, approximately 30% of STEMI patients do not receive any form of treatment to restore blood flow, whether through clot-busting drugs commonly referred to as thrombolytics or percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), the latter being the preferred therapy which uses mechanical means such as stents, balloon angioplasty or surgery.
Time is muscle. The outcome of STEMI events depends greatly on the care patients receive and the timeframe in which they receive it. The American Heart Association and the American College of Cardiology's guidelines recommend that balloon angioplasty be performed within 90 minutes - preferably less - of arrival at any hospital.
About Mission: Lifeline STEMI
Iowa’s Mission: Lifeline STEMI project was implemented over three years, in collaboration with Iowa’s health systems, emergency medical service (EMS) providers, the Iowa Department of Health and Human Services’ Division of Public Health, and others. The goal of the project was to help identify the gaps that lead to slower and less effective patient care. Together with providers across the state, Mission: Lifeline STEMI sought to close those gaps through changes in protocols and processes, and also in providing resources such as life-saving equipment.
In partnership with the medical community, this collaboration transformed patient care for future heart attack victims in Iowa. This innovative regional collaboration ensured equipment compatibility, consistent training and uniform protocols for both transporting and treating heart attack patients across the region.
Here’s a look at the project’s accomplishments. Mission: Lifeline Iowa STEMI Grant Outcomes (PDF)
911 Saved My Life
Educational Resources
- Clinics & Outpatient Areas STEMI Educational Video
- Non PCI Hospitals STEMI Educational Video
- EMS STEMI Educational Video
- Iowa STEMI Guidelines Worksheet (PDF)
- Iowa STEMI Guidelines (PDF)
- Strategic Ways to Navigate STEMI Care and COVID-19
- Cardiac Systems of Care Boot Camp 2019
- Acute Myocardial Infarction Toolkit for Healthcare Providers
Pre-Hospital 12-Lead ECG Resources
- A Pre-Hospital 12-Lead ECGs Help to Reduce EMS to Balloon Times (PDF)
- Effects of Pre-Hospital 12-Lead ECG on process of care and mortality in ACS (PDF)
- Implementation and Integration of Pre-Hospital ECGs into System of Care for ACS (PDF)
- Prehospital 12 Lead ECG programs (PDF)
- Improving use of Pre-Hospital 12-Lead ECG for Early ID and Tx of ACS and STEMI (PDF)
Iowa Call 911
Iowa Mission: Lifeline Survivors