American Heart Association logoAmerican Heart Association


Join us on our journey to build a healthier Maine

2025 Maine Go Red for Women Survivors

Brylie Young and Elaine Cassidy

Are you a survivor of heart disease or stroke? We would love to share your story in 2025 – Go Red for Women's 21st anniversary. Inspire fellow survivors and educate others about the signs and symptoms of cardiovascular disease - the number one killer of women.

CPR Training Kits for Families in Maine

CPR donation

Hands-Only CPR can double or triple survival rates for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Wells Fargo and The Mimi Foundation teamed up with the American Heart Association to provide lifesaving CPR training kits to Maine families.

Fish Tacos with Broccoli Slaw

Fish Tacos with Broccoli Slaw

These fish tacos, packed with crunch, are sure to please. Dinner will be on the table in less than 20 minutes.

500 Donors to Unlock $50,000!

Poor nutrition is the leading cause of cardiovascular disease, yet too many people struggle to access nutritious foods. An anonymous supporter is offering a $50,000 challenge gift to help change that, but we only have 48 hours to release these critical funds with 500 donations. Donate now to help save lives in communities nationwide.

Events in Your Area

Maine Go Red for Women Luncheon

Location: Holiday Inn by the Bay

Date: Thursday, March 27, 2025 - 10:00 AM


Maine Heart Walk

Location: Back Cove Trail and Parking Lot

Date: Sunday, May 18, 2025 - 08:00 AM


In Your Community

The American Heart Association is committed to driving equitable health impact in Maine through five key priority areas: women, COVID-19, tobacco and vaping, patients and healthy living. Equity is always at the center of our work, and it will continue to guide all that we do.

Through our focus on these key impact areas, and with collaboration among local organizations, sponsors, businesses, and others that serve the community, we are working to improve the health and well-being of Maine residents while saving and improving countless lives.

Throughout Maine, we’ve seen our community impact work grow, including efforts around creating avenues for greater access to care, healthy food access and education, sharing Hands-Only CPR kits with clinicians to improve awareness for families, blood pressure screenings and education, and tobacco and e-cigarette education and prevention.

People are counting on us as never before. The American Heart Association, along with our supporters, will drive change, and will be relentless. Thank you for your continued support.


Advocacy has had a mission-critical role in the Association's work for more than 40 years. Our legislative and regulatory priorities help to mitigate risk factors and protect survivors in communities across the country. We support the enactment of evidence-based public policies that lead to longer, healthier lives.

Public policy advocacy is an essential strategy used by the American Heart Association and American Stroke Association to affect necessary and sustainable policy, system and environmental changes that help Americans build healthier lives free of cardiovascular disease and stroke.

Our efforts in Maine and its communities are focused on five major policy areas. These are: Tobacco Free, Quality Systems of Care, Healthy Eating, Active Living, and Access to Care.


Dave Abel
President & General Manager,
Channel 8 WMTW & WPXT-Maine’s CW,
Board Chair

Sarah Belliveau, CPA
CEO, BerryDunn

Mindy Beyer
Program Manager, Cardiovascular Services: Maine Health

Andrew Cook
SVP Commercial Loan Officer,
Mascoma Bank

Kevan Deckelmann
Partner, Dentons Law Firm

Aline Iskandar, MD
Cardiologist: Northern Light Mercy Hospital

David Landry
CEO, Spectrum Healthcare Partners

Sarah Lewis
Director, Maine Access Immigrant Network 

Alison Nason
Director of Marketing and Communications, Saint Joseph's College of Maine 

Brendan Prast, MD, MPH
Family and Preventive Medicine
Physician, MaineHealth
Board President

Joan Smith
Principal, Baker Newman Noyes

Bill Whitmore
Vice President, Business Transformation

Steve Woods
President/CEO, TideSmart Global & Promerica Health

Contact Us

American Heart Association
c/o Maine Division
4217 Park Place Ct.
Glen Allen, VA 23060

Executive Director: Brian Shankey

(603) 263-8326

Heart and Stroke News

Find science-based stories about heart and brain health and inspiring survivor profiles from American Heart Association News.