Nebraska Mission: Lifeline® Hospitals

Nebraska Mission: Lifeline Hospitals

NE Statewide STEMI Guidelines Revised 2016 (PDF)

1. Who is eligible to participate in the NE Mission: Lifeline statewide Taskforce?

a. All Nebraska EMS agencies and hospitals, clinicians and administrators that participate in the care of cardiovascular emergency patients will be eligible to have representation on the statewide taskforce.

b. Statewide health organizations, associations and other interested parties that work directly with EMS organizations and hospitals on the care of cardiovascular emergency patients are also encouraged to participate in the statewide taskforce.

2. Will all Hospitals be eligible to receive grant funding?

a. All rural Nebraska hospitals, with the exception of those in the Omaha and Lincoln metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) are eligible. Please see below for a list of excluded counties. There may be an opportunity for a limited number of metro PCI receiving centers to be eligible based upon available funds.

Cass County Douglas County
Sarpy County Saunders County
Washington County Lancaster County
Seward County

b. Rural NE non-PCI capable referring hospitals are eligible for grant funding to be utilized toward 12 Lead ECG receiving software or transmission system.

c. Rural NE PCI receiving hospitals are eligible for grant funding towards partial FTE support to abstract data for the ACTION GWTG Registry and for 12 L-ECG receiving software.

3. Are all hospitals required to participate in pre-hospital 12-lead transmission and receiving systems?

a. No, decisions on a method to best bridge the pre-hospital STEMI recognition gaps in care will be developed
on the direction of the statewide taskforce.

4. Will hospitals be required to purchase a particular brand of 12 L-ECG receiving equipment?

a. No, no hospital will be required to purchase any equipment, based on brand or any other parameter.

b. Through the initial grant, and on-going fundraising efforts during the course of the 3-year project, varied
levels of funding for all ECG equipment brands will be available.

c. The American Heart Association is vendor neutral; awards will be made based on the decisions of the
statewide advisory committee and resources available.

5. Will hospitals be eligible for reimbursement for equipment or software already purchased?

a. No, hospitals must have a signed contract with the American Heart Association in place prior to any

6. Will there be education for referring hospitals?

a. Yes, there will be development of a hospital education curriculum and implementation plan.

7. Will hospitals be required to participate in any data collection tool?

a. Yes, rural NE Primary PCI capable receiving hospitals must participate in the ACTION GWTG Registry to be eligible for grant funding.

8. What is the timeline for the grant process?

a. Grant specifics will be available in the spring of 2013 on the Nebraska Mission: Lifeline website. Year 2 of the grant implementation will focus on hospital infrastructure.

b. The grant project term is 2-1-2014 to 1-31-2017. EMS and hospital infrastructure and equipment is the primary focus of year one of the grant.

Program Funding

The lead funder for this investment in Nebraska is The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust, one of the nation’s largest foundations, providing a grant of $4.1 million to the American Heart Association for the initiative. 

Other current funders include: 

  • Fremont Area Community Foundation
  • Fremont Health Foundation
  • Peter Kiewit Foundation 
  • William and Ruth Scott Foundation
  • Anonymous
  • Suzanne and Walter Scott Foundation 
  • COPIC Medical Foundation 
  • Ron and Carol Cope Charitable Fund
  • Hamilton Community Foundation 
  • Dillon Foundation
  • The Fund for Omaha through the Omaha Community Foundation 
  • Valmont Foundation 
  • Aaron and Rachel Wagner 
  • Mid-Nebraska Community Foundation                                 
  • Peed Foundation 
  • Pinnacle Bank – Madison Branch                             
  • Lozier Foundation
  • American National Bank
  • J Peter Ricketts


To join us as a partner, or find more information about the project, contact:

Gary Myers, MS, NREMT
Sr. Mission: Lifeline Director 
South Dakota
EMS Consultant for Midwest Affiliate
(605) 215-1551
American Heart Association
P.O. Box 90545
Sioux Falls, SD  57109

Beth Malina, BSN, RN, CNRN
NE Mission:Lifeline Stroke QSI Director
(402) 416-5592
American Heart Association
1540 S. 70th St. Ste. 100
Lincoln, NE 68506

Ngia Mua
Project Specialist - Mission: Lifeline
(952) 278-7934
American Heart Association 
2750 Blue Water Rd., Ste 250
Eagan, MN 55121