Heart and Brain Health Resources
Heart and Brain Health Resources

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death globally. Research shows approximately
80% of all cardiovascular disease can be prevented by controlling high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol, along with adopting healthy lifestyle behaviors such as not smoking. Health behaviors, such as eating a healthy diet, engaging in physical activity and maintaining a healthy weight, could also have the most impact as they contribute to multiple conditions.
Learn more about cardiovascular disease and what you can do to improve your heart and brain health.
Life's Simple 7
健康的飲食 | Eat Better (PDF)
足夠的運動 | Move More (PDF)
控制血壓 | Manage Blood Pressure (PDF)
控制膽固醇 | Manage Cholesterol (PDF)
降低血糖 | Manage Blood Sugar (PDF)
控制體重 | Manage Weight (PDF)
戒烟 | Quit Smoking (PDF)
Heart Attack and Stroke Symptoms
心臟病發作症狀 | Heart Attack Symptoms (PDF)
中風症狀 | Stroke Symptoms (PDF)
預防腦中風或心臟病再次發作 | How to Prevent a Second Heart Attack or Stroke (PDF)
Cholesterol Resources
膽固醇藥物 | Cholesterol Drugs
膽固醇藥物的種類 | Different Types of Cholesterol Drugs
膽固醇 : 誤解與事實 | Cholesterol Myths and Facts
膽固醇指數 | Cholesterol Score
什麼是高血液膽固醇和三酸甘油酯?| What Are High Cholesterol and Triglycerides?
如何降低自己的膽固醇?| How Can I Improve My Cholesterol?
膽固醇含量會如何影響我的風險?| How Do My Cholesterol Levels Affect My Risk?
與醫師共同討論的問題 | Cholesterol Questions For Your Doctor
Additional Resources
六大高鹽食品 | Salty 6 (PDF)
醬汁和調味料的鈉含量 | Sodium Content of Chinese Sauces and Condiments (PDF)
改變您的食鹽習慣 | Sodium Swap Challenge (PDF)
如何降低血壓 | How to Reduce Blood Pressure (PDF)
如何正確測量血壓 | How to Measure Blood Pressure (PDF)
如何使體育鍛煉成為一種生活方式 | How Can Physical Activity Become a Way of Life (PDF)
高血壓的後果 | Consequences of Uncontrolled High Blood Pressure (PDF)
控制血壓的5個步驟 | 5 Steps to Managing Blood Pressure (PDF)
電子煙簡介 | E-Cigarettes 101 (PDF)
中風症狀簡單口訣 | Spot a Stroke F.A.S.T. (PDF)