Better U Challenge, Palm Beach
Toss out fad diets and trendy exercise regimens, and get back to the basics... Eat smart. Move more. Be well. A few changes can have a profound impact on your health. Over three months, we pair fitness experts, nutritionists, and life coaches with women looking to acquire the skills and info needed to take better care of their hearts. Are YOU ready to create a Better U?

Brought to Palm Beach through the generosity of Sally Ross Soter
“I am proud to support the Better U Challenge to help create lasting change in the health of our community and to inspire more women to take charge of their heart health.”
Take the Better U Challenge at home!
Are you ready to be a Better U? Download the official Better U guidebook today, and take the challenge whenever you’re ready, or follow along with the Class of 2020 participants between January 13th and April 3rd!

Andrea Rossi
Class of 2019
"As a Mom, I’ve always put my family and others first and made sure they had whatever they needed. Unfortunately, that meant I put myself last and didn’t pay attention to my own health and happiness. I applied to the Better U Challenge because I realized that if I didn’t make changes to my own health, I wouldn’t be here to take care of others. So now for the first time in my life, I’m putting myself first. This program has been very successful in that I’ve accomplished the goals I set for myself. I’ve lost weight, my blood pressure has gone down, and I’ve developed a regular exercise routine. But the impact this program has had on my life goes so much deeper than that. I believe in myself!"

Erin Westberg
Class of 2017
"The Better U Challenge is a family. In fact, you get the whole village of support! From American Heart Association education resources, local teammates to participate with, and opportunities to challenge yourself physically and mentally, the possibilities are endless. You are certain to become the BEST you! Give your future self twelve weeks and she will amaze you. And you will have a new village for life!"

Lisa Robare
Class of 2017
"The Better U Challenge has helped me get back on track with goals to a better me. I am very grateful to have been accepted to this challenge, it has helped me get focused on myself so that I can strive for a longer, healthier life. My strength has improved so much since the beginning of this challenge. I haven’t met my weight goal, however the inches make more of difference when I’m feeling good in my clothes. I feel that I’m in the right place and on the right track. Thank you American Heart Association for this opportunity. My focus is to continue to keep my head up and MY HEART STRONG."

Lee Ann Atkinson
Class of 2017
"I was so grateful to be picked for the Better U Challenge! It was an amazing experience to work with the Heart Association team from West Palm Beach and KoKo Fit Club. Because of that experience, I was able to introduce the staff at UTC to the Heart Association team and continue to raise awareness on the importance of Heart Health! Excited that I was able to be a team leader in the past Heart Walk and bring the Better U Challenge to UTC. I have learned that Heart Health is a way of life, it is not a diet or a fad, it is a lifestyle."

Eileen Fass
Class of 2016
"My participation in the Better U Challenge was amazing! So many of us struggle with daily lifestyle issues whether it is the guilt of eating too much, not making the best food choices or perhaps not getting enough exercise. Typically, as women, we are caregivers to those around us, but we forget or don’t take the time to make ourselves a priority. The challenge showed me that we can choose to take an active role in our health and therefore make a difference to control the risk factors of both heart disease and stroke. I now try to take one day at a time and to use many of the tools that I learned from the program. I am a “Better Me” because of Better U. A big thank you to the American Heart association and to all the inspiring women that I have meant along the way! I hope to be able to share this same inspiration with others!"